My new hair! (I finally got a REAL haircut this week for the first time since moving…)
Spending a nice couple of hours Christmas shopping with my husband for the kids. AND figuring out what we’re going to buy.
Pepperoni pizza Chebe (gluten-free and yummy!) for lunch.
Getting a funny Christmas card from a long-time friend and feeling loved.
Handing some art and photos in the dining/hearth room so I don’t feel like I went on vacation and never came home again.
Uploading some photos into Flickr (even though I can’t get my wordpress plugin to cooperate and let me add them to this post).
My car!
An easy commute to work with barely any traffic and the easiest landmark to orient myself on
A fuzzy belly on a fluffy cat who actually deigned to rub against my leg and purr this morning.
And of course, yarn!