So, I finished my first attempt at the iPod sock, but it was totally not even, so I make it into a small purse for my 6-yr-old to play with.
I started a new one and followed the pattern (basically 14 rows of hdc). However, the yarn I’m using is to as thick so, of course, my finished rectangle was about 2 inches too short. So, I decided to make it a sock for my Rio instead. It was a little short, so I did three rows around the top, which looks kind of cool. All in all, I’m pretty happy.
I’m going to learn the double and triple crochet next and maybe use those to make my son a scarf. Have some nice blue yarn to use for him.
Once I get the stitches down, then I’ll try another go at the iPod sock using the fancy yarns I have.
Will post photos later.