Category: Year of Wonders
One Project at a time….
It’s been a crazy time for knitting this year. Something about the sprained ankle has made my knitting go kablooey! I started this shawl back at the Loopy Spring Fling and have been working on it ever since. No matter what other project I start, nothing gets completed (other than the fun fur shawl I…
Baby Squash Hat Finished!
Baby squash hat finished Needs blocking but it is done. Glad to finally finish something. Finished it up during last night’s Stargate Atlantis and did the I-cord during last week’s Dr. Who. Didn’t make it through this week’s Dr. Who because I fell asleep. Had saved last week’s so I could watch them both together.…
Charlie’s Socks
Charlie sits on my desk at work with Lil Bit and Squinky. He got a new pair of socks the other day. Charlie loves his socks.
Two-Hour Purse Decorated and Ready-to-Go!
I finished up the two-hour purse by using hand-painted roving and my needle-felting tools and freeforming some cool swirls. Jay picked the roving because she wants the purse as a present for her birthday. Here’s the Front: and the back: I also felted a circular shape that I knitted with the leftover yarn. Jesse wants…
A Busy Friday and Saturday
Friday night we went to the kids’ school to check out their science fair projects. Jesse’s project was about the stages of tadpole development. Unfortunately, all the tadpoles died to they got a frog that still had a bit of a tail. Jay and her friend did Volcanos. Saturday night, I got…
Washcloth in progress…
Washcloth in progress Originally uploaded by Shel Kennon Year of Wonders continues with the Not-Your-Average Washcloth in Cotlin from Knit Picks. You can link to my current progress from the Ravelry module on the right side of the page.
Happy Leap Day – Green Bunny Blanket is done!
A little more than a week before K returns to work and I got the green blanket buddy done! And in February as well. I guess it’s kind of fitting that a bunny project would be finished on leap day. Another project done for year of wonders! I was going to post last night about…
Green blanket buddy
This one is a happy bunny! Unfortunately, it got lost for about a month or it would have been done before its recipient was born.
Giant Bunny Blanket – Done and Discarded
Stupid crappy yarn keeps breaking… After the third time I realized that it wouldn’t hold up to being played with, so I finished up what I could, took photos and threw it away. OK, that part hurt….
Fuzzy Bunny
Fuzzy Bunny Originally uploaded by Shel Kennon Got through all this while playing Life with the family tonight. Knitting Continental makes it really easy to stop a sec, roll the dice (our spinner is old and yucky so we use a 10-sided dice) and move my car. Jay won, but only by a couple hundred…
Marialis – Day 1
I got quite a bit done on the Marialis scarf (Ravelry link to pattern) last night. I wasn’t so sure about the way the colors were looking after the first 14 rows, but I kept going, trusting that I’ll like it better when it’s further along. I had a couple of times I had to…