Roundup of the last week…

No knitting or crocheting was done on any of our trips. I attempted to start Jay’s Monster, but my needle broke. I cast on the Moss Hat, but no go… it was way too small after 2 rounds. Oh well…

Last week Nana came to visit and was here through Xmas. The kids and I were really excited about it.

Baking with Nana on Xmas Eve

She and Jay cooked some Apple Cranberry Crisp for Christmas Eve (gluten-free of course so I could partake as well) and I made my “famous” lasagna, with rice noodles so I could eat that too. Luckily the rice noodles are yummy enough in the lasagna that my husband will eat it too. He’s very, very picky.

On Christmas morning, they work up to presents from Santa…

Santa presents....

Santa presents....

and had to wait for everyone to get up before they could open then.

Jesse enjoyed his pirate ships, after a while. He was disappointed that Santa brought him the “wrong one”.

Santa presents....

Jay loved her stable, though Nana had to glue a bit of it to make it sturdy.

Santa presents....

They wanted to open the big present behind the tree next, convinced that it was a Wii. I was mean and made them eat first. Then let them open it while the rest of us were eating.

“We want to open the big package under the tree next…”

We want to open the big package under the tree next...

“Hmmm…. I guess a Wii could be in a Children’s Place box.”

Hmmm.... I guess a Wii could be in a Children's Place box.

“Oh man, it’s just clothes!”

Oh man, it's just clothes!

Yeah, they should have known better….

The kids made lightup snowmen at school for their presents. Jay gave hers to Nana. Jesse made his with a scary face on one side and a snowman face on the other.

Jesse took this photo of me

Snowman Light by Jesse - Scary face on one side, snowman face on the other!

Snowman Light by Jesse - Scary face on one side, snowman face on the other!

I let them “suffer” through all of their other presents before they finally got the Wii.

We did get a Wii after all!

We did get a Wii after all!

We did get a Wii after all!

We did get a Wii after all!

Playing Wii

Starbuck got a couple of cat toys in his stocking, but his favorite part was when beneath the tree was all empty again.

"Ahhh... a spot to myself!"

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